Hamza Pets Clinic – Pets Accessories in Islamabad

Brief Introduction:
Hamza Pets Clinic is a very well organised shop and is full of varieties of all types of accessories for mostly cats and dogs. Customers have a lot of variety to choose from. Good quality birds supplements are also available. It is a fully loaded pet shop. Customer feedback is healthy on items and staff. You can get your pets checked by a professional vet and buy accessories at same place.
Shop’s Name: Hamza Pets Clinic
Proprietor: Vet Dr. Syed Muhammad Shirazi
Accessories Available:
1. Cat and Dog Food bowls
2. Cat and Dog water bowls
3. All sizes of Jet Boxes
4. Collars and Leashes
5. Cat Litters
6. Grooming products
7. Bird food supplements
8. Cat Houses
9. Cat Toys
City: Islamabad
Contact Details:
Vet Dr. Syed Muhammad Shirazi
Address: Hamza Pets Clinic & Poultry Services, Near Barma Pull, Lehtarar Road, Islamabad.