Litter Inspection & Microchipping of Labradors – LRCP


Effective from 01, June 2017

With a view to guarding the interests of Labrador fanciers and all stake holders, following procedure is introduced by The Kennel Club of Pakistan.

  1. On behalf of the Kennel Club of Pakistan (KCP), the microchipping and Litter inspection of Labrador Retrievers will be done by The Labrador Retriever Club of Pakistan (LRCP) only.
  2. The Fee of Microchipping will be Rs. 1500/- for each pup.
  3. As soon as a bitch is mated but not later than 7 days, the breeder will inform the LRCP giving the name and KCP number of the Dam and Sire. This information could be sent by SMS, WhatsApp, and email or by post. LRCP will advertise their email address and telephone number at which to send this information. KCP will also display this information on its web.
  4. As soon as litter is born but not later than 7 days, the breeder will inform the LRCP, giving address where litter could be inspected. The representative of the LRCP will check the number of puppies and note down umber of pups, Genders and colors for record.
  5. For Litter Registration, the Breeders, as per KCP Rules, along with Registration Fee, by Pay Order, will apply to KCP on prescribed litter registration form.
  6. After checking the details with KCP data bank, the KCP will send this form to the LRCP. The LRCP will send its representative to inspect the litter and after comparing it with initial inspection record, microchip the pups and record these numbers on the Litter Registration form.
  7. At the time of microchipping, the Microchipping Fee will be given to the representative of the LRCP who is microchipping  the pups.
  8. After verification and signatures of the President / Secretary  of the LRCP, the form will be sent back to Kennel Club of  Pakistan. The Pedigree Papers will be issued by the KCP and  sent to the Breeder.
  9. Fee of Microchipping (Rs. 1500/- per pup) will be paid by the Breeder at the time of microchipping.
  10. Microchipping can be done at six weeks of the birth of the litter.
    After microchipping, the pups can leave the premises of the owner any time.
  11. To speed up microchipping and litter inspection, KCP has appointed breed inspectors in major cities of Pakistan. To see the list of breed inspectors please CLICK HERE.
  12. If a permanent representation is not available in some city, Club can delegate this power to any other responsible person.
  13. This system will be operative from 1st June 2017. From 1st January 2017, dogs born after 1st June 2017 will not be allowed to be shown if not microchipped.

Babar Nasrullah Khan
President of The Labrador Retriever Club of Pakistan (LRCP)
Mobile: 03006420269

Sajjad Mahdi 
Secretary of The Labrador Retriever Club Of Pakistan (LRCP)
Mobile: 03105332330

For list of Breed Inspectors please CLICK HERE.

Note: This is not an official website of LRCP. This information is shared here just for user reference. LRCP is the final authority about any information related to LRCP and its affairs. Please refer to LRCP’s web portal or Facebook page for official rules and regulations.

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